Same-day appointments available most days and plentiful parking make it easy to get the help you need.
Our staff’s extensive experience with children, a play area in the waiting room and ceiling-mounted TVs with Netflix Kids take the worry out of your child’s visit.
Our doctors are certified in Six Month Smiles, Invisialign and Biohorizons dental implants. Invest in a priceless asset: your smile!
Our Services
A beautiful smile can build confidence and create a great first impression. Let us help you achieve a naturally confident smile with our exceptional preventive and cosmetic dental services.
Dental Care
Smile Enhancement
Actual Patient Reviews
Was in Toronto for March break. Had to see a dentist for a same-day emergency. Found Dr. Li. She was awesome and so was her staff! Did what she could do so I could enjoy the rest of my break pain-free. Sent all records to my dentist back home so he could finish the job. Emergency or not… highly recommended!! TS
I had my checkup, cleaning, and x-rays done by Dr. Li. She did a great job and was very thorough, patient and easy to talk to. The office was bright and clean, TV on the ceiling was a nice touch, helped to pass the time.
Amazing team. Extremely friendly. They always make sure I remember my appointments ahead of time, helps me a lot with my busy schedule. Keep it up!