Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a breakdown of teeth due to the activity of oral bacteria. Cavity-causing bacteria covert the sugar on the teeth into acid, which then erode and soften the teeth.
Initially, there may be no symptoms. As the cavity deepens, the affected tooth may become sensitive to hot, cold or sweet foods. In very advanced stages, a tooth weakened by extensive internal decay can suddenly fracture under normal chewing forces. When the decay has progressed enough to allow the bacteria to overwhelm the pulp tissue in the center of the tooth, a toothache can result and the pain may become constant. Death of the pulp tissue and infection are common consequences. The tooth will no longer be sensitive to hot or cold, but can be very tender to pressure. Complications may include inflammation of the tissue around the tooth, tooth loss, and infection or abscess formation. In highly progressed cases, infection can spread from the tooth to the surrounding soft tissues.
During your routine exam and check up, your dentist will inspect your teeth and will be able to detect cavities with the help of dental x-rays. It is always better to treat cavities early to prevent further damage to your teeth.
Prevention includes regular cleaning of the teeth, reduced consumption of sugary and acidic foods, and small amounts of fluoride. Brushing the teeth twice per day and flossing between the teeth once a day is highly recommended. Fluoride sources include tap water (check with your local municipality to see if your water is fluorinated), fluoride toothpaste and/or fluoride mouth rinse. Screening can result in earlier detection.
Treatment for a tooth with a cavity is typically a dental filling. Teeth do not regrow, and may continue to decay if left untreated. Sometimes a tooth may require a crown if too much tooth structure is lost due to decay. Once the cavity reachs the nerve in the center of the tooth, a root canal treatment is necessary prior to a filling and crown. In more severe cases, the tooth may be too decayed to be saved, and will need to be extracted to prevent further medical issues. A dental implant, bridge, or denture may be necessary to replace a tooth lost to an advanced cavity to prevent other teeth from shifting.
I have lost several back teeth to tooth d3cay and have it pretty bad on my front teeth as well, you cam physically see inside severala of my teeth. Im assum8ng they will need to be pulled and then have all mybteeth pulled and rhen dentures or implants, i am 35 years old, just curious on what i am lookin at proce range and also pain wise etc.
Hi Mike, thanks for your inquiry. We can definitely help you out, and hopefully save some of your teeth! But we’ll need to take a look first. We’ll email you directly to follow up. Thanks!
Hi, I recently went to the dentist after about 15 or so years since my last real exam. I am type 1 diabetic and I have major crowding in my bottom and bottom is minor crowding.
The dentist told me I need braces to fix the crowding and to prevent more cavities. Ok. He went on to say that I need 4 surgical extractions, 3 because they’re broke to my gum line. 1 is an impacted wisdom tooth. I have gum disease pretty bad too. Then he went on to discuss my cavities saying I have too many to even count. I literally have 31 teeth in my head 3 of those are being removed due to severe cavity. So my question is, can a single tooth have more than 1 cavity? I’m scared this dr is just trying to make money off me. He told me my insurance doesn’t cover anything other than the surgical ones, which I knew was a lie. He just did not want to take my insurance and submit the prior authorizations for them. Can I really have so many cavities that it’s not countable? My teeth do not look terrible they’re fairly pretty still so I don’t know how I can have too many.
Hi Jessica, the way dentists typically “count” cavities is by tooth “surface”. Each tooth has 5 surfaces and you can have cavities on any or all 5 surfaces of the same tooth, so yes, a single tooth may have more than 1 cavity. Sometimes a tooth may look or feel fine but could still have large cavities. That’s why dentists routinely use x-rays to help diagnose cavities. You don’t want to wait until your teeth begin to hurt or break before seeking treatment, it may decrease the likelihood of being able to save the teeth.
If you have additional questions regarding your cavities, I would suggest booking a follow-up appointment with your dentist or seeking a second opinion from another dentist. Ask your family or friends for a recommendation.
Will putting coconut oil in my retainer while I wear it overnight give me cavities ?
Hi John, cavities happen when streptococcus mutans bacteria in your mouth converts the sugar on your teeth to acid. The acid then erodes the teeth, causing them to be soft, and cavitated. A lot of the food we consume today has some sugar content—even the ones that do not taste sweet. Proper oral hygiene such as brushing and flossing before bed will help reduce the risk of cavities.
To answer your question, you will need to check if the particular brand of the coconut oil you’re using has any sugar content. If it does then yes, it will increase the likelihood of cavities. You should also check the pH of coconut oil, if it is acidic, then it will also increase the likelihood of cavities.
If you are using coconut oil for the purposes of oil pulling, note that the American Dental Association (ADA) does not consider oil pulling to be a reliable dental hygiene practice or a replacement for brushing and flossing. If you do not brush and floss prior to wearing your retainer with coconut oil overnight, then there is a higher chance of cavities simply because you are not removing the plaque. Also most of the studies done on oil pulling only involve swishing the oil in the mouth for a few minutes before spitting everything out. There is no study on the effect of coating your teeth with coconut oil overnight, and the effect of coconut oil on your retainer longevity.
Hello, I was wondering how long enamel erosion takes to happen at a younger age like teenage years? And if it happens quickly, will you start to see yellow teeth quickly?
Hi Ria, normally we don’t see enamel erosion in teenagers. However, it can happen due to acid regurgitation, bulimia, certain recreational drugs, sucking on lime or lemon for extended periods of time and other reasons. In general, the more frequent the occurrence, the faster the enamel erosion will happen. The enamel will become thin and more transparent and there may be more sensitivity and yes, teeth may also appear more yellow.
Hi, I have had a tooth ache for a while now. I will need the tooth pulled, it’s not the first time. Do you offer general anesthesia for a molar extraction? I have a big fear of dentists and needles.
Hi Michelle, we do not offer general anesthesia at our clinic currently. However, we offer laughing gas or nitrous oxide to reduce anxiety for our patients. Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas with a slight sweet smell, and it has a quick onset and quick recovery. If that option is of interest to you, please call us at 905-707-8008 or email us at [email protected] to book an appointment.
Doctor I had filled my tooth thrice and removed 5times from age 8 to 16. I’m 27 now and still experiencing toothache, I change my brush every 3 months, I have bad breath, space between each tooth, almost all my teeth is shaking, bleeding gum, strong dental plague, and Extruciating pain, Please help me stop this paid and get back my self confidence.
Hi Lydia, please make an appointment with a dentist for an assessment as soon as possible. If you are close to us, please call the office at 905-707-8008 to book an appointment.
Is dental procedure 23324 to restore a broken molar stronger and more permanent than procedure 23602 (preparatory to a crown?) I want to know if the bonding for restoration procedure 23602 could deteriorate more quickly if a crown is not subsequently fitted. That is, is 23602 only intended to be temporary?
Hi John,
The code 23324 is used for a 4 surface white filling for permanent molars. The code 23602 is used for building up the core of the tooth, only in conjunction with a crown or fixed bridge retainer. For core buildup, a material such as core paste can be used, and would be sufficient for supporting a crown or a bridge. But core paste is not recommended for a permanent 4 surface filling if there is no intention of a crown in the near future.
It’s hard to answer your question. It really depends on the type of material used, how big the filling is, how much natural tooth structure is left, whether the tooth has a root canal treatment or not, and what the occlusal force on that tooth is. It is best to talk to your dentist regarding your specific situation.